Aww man!! Taking the Plunge (Take two....since I just deleted it all in one fell swoop.)
Where on earth does one begin when one begins to blog? I have no idea, so let the rambling begin!
As a kid, all I ever wanted to be was a mom and, when work would be necessary, a teacher. Now I'm a kindergarten teacher and teaching is NOT the critter it was when I was a kid. I find myself torn. Teaching fits my schedule and (basic) needs as a single mom, but I've found that I am not doing what I love.
Over the past decade and a half, I've developed an increasing desire to be a writer. So what have I done about that? Hmmmmmmmmm...that would be NOTHING.
So, while blogging isn't exactly a career change, it is a step in the "write" direction. Pardon the pun. Who knows? This just might be interesting...