Thursday, August 7, 2008

Books, books, books was my first real hobby, my first real passion aside from my spiritual life. Then along came this computer and distracted me for about 5 years easily...but I'm rediscovering books. And I still love them!

But something has happened. It hasn't been a drastic change but there was a time I'd rather poke my eyes out than read non-fiction. Give me fiction! And please, make sure there's a good love story in it somewhere. No trash please. Just a good wonderful love story that gives me hope that there ARE men like that out there. However, I must have grown up these past 5 years because I've found that there ARE SOME non-fiction selections I can appreciate.

Before I delve into them, I have to stop and pay some homage to the best piece of fiction ever written: The Last Sin Eater, by Francine Rivers. Go to your library or a bookstore IMMEDIATELY and get it. It's amazing.

Ok, now back to my new-found appreciation for non-fiction. I have found that there are areas of my heart and soul which I need to pay attention to. I've found that there are corners that have been bruised over the years and they need healing. Ignoring them does not bring healing. So a couple days ago I was out and not planning on buying any books. I'm seriously trying to be very frugal right now and not spend a penny more than I should. But there were three books I could NOT turn away from. And not in a sense of "I HAVE TO HAVE IT!! I WAAAAAAAAAANT IT!" but more like.... Like.... Like I'd look at it, then put it down, thinking "Later. I can wait." And then feeling a nudge inside telling me to get it. So I finally paid heed to the nudge (which I believe is the Holy Spirit giving me some guidance, speaking to my heart) and I bought them.

I've begun two of the three, and really am anxious to start the third one, but just haven't yet. Two of these books are about changes in me. The first is "Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul." You can bank on me coming back to share some neat stuff I'll learn from that one. It's off to a good start, but I don't have any particular "nuggets" to share just yet. The second is "Love as a Way of Life: Seven Keys to Transforming Every Aspect of Your Life," by Gary Chapman. It's the one I'm still looking forward to. It has a chapter on forgiveness which was the hook for me. More on that another day. The third is "Have a New Kid by Friday." Anyone who knows me also knows how badly I'd like to have more kids. Being single, I'm thinking this book might be my only present hope. Ok, just kidding. It's about discipline. The subtitle is "How to Change Your Child's Attitude, Behavior, and Character in 5 Days." It's by Dr. Kevin Leman. I'm already intrigued by it and can hardly wait to finish and IMPLEMENT the strategies. It's fascinating. I haven't finished it but already feel comfy recommending it to others. My prayer is that I can stick to it. I want desperately to be more patient, kind, and gentle with my girls...............but more firm, too. I want to set an example for them of self-control, even when I'm displeased. And I want to teach them better obedience (like first-time obedience) and more respect. The book gives me some hope and I'm enjoying the read, too.

I suppose that's it. Nothing earth-shaking. Nothing funny. Just sharing because these books represent some big changes I want to make in ME.

I Should Have Been a Singer

Don't laugh at me. I should have! NOT A Capella...because I like to jump to a variety of keys if I have no accompaniment. And then there's a little...wait, strike that, ... BIG problem I have with timing and rhythm. But I should have been a singer.

I'm tellin' ya. I'm a real pied piper. If I sing...they come.

You think I'm joking. Today, my girls were playing "office" in Alli's room. Alli was apparently giving some career counseling to Megan, from what I heard. (She found out Megan is good at making sandwiches and recommended she try working for Subway.) I headed for the kitchen, thinking I'd clean when I saw the cd player sitting there...and I KNEW what was in it. I couldn't resist. I went over and pumped up the volume and began singing and dancing to the soundtrack from Mamma Mia! I was having the time of my life and convincing my children that I am among the stranger creatures on the planet. I went boogeying down the hall and began lip-synching as I peeked around the corner of the career counselor's doorway. At first I just got smiles from the counselor and giggles from her client. I headed back to the kitchen. But it was too much fun to have alone, so back down the hall I went and I began more lip-synching and peeking into the counselor's office. This time Little Miss Counselor said, somewhat politely, "Mom, you're interrupting." Her client just laughed and did some lip-synching of her own. Ooooookay, back to the kitchen. It was better in there anyway; the music was louder.

Confession: I didn't pay much heed to my chastisement for interrupting. Nope, I went right back down that hall repeatedly because you just can't stop the music sometimes.

But finally, along came "The Dancing Queen." You can't lip-synch to "The Dancing Queen." No way, Jose. You have to belt it out. It's the only way. So I did. Megan couldn't take it anymore and came running down the hall to sing and dance along. Alli, still the career counselor, tried to maintain her professional image and stayed in her office, until I finally cried out, "Come on, Alli! You KNOW you want to!" And vrooooooooooooooooooooooom, out came Alli.

I was thrilled. Now we could REALLY have fun...or so I thought.

But I was wrong.

Alli shot right past me and............

turned off the music.

That does it. Tomorrow I'm breaking out "Music & Lyrics."

She'll wish she'd danced.